Inter Universitas is now hiring
We’re looking for writers and translators.
Universitas is Norway’s biggest student newspaper, in print and online. We cover student news in Oslo, for schools connected to the Student Welfare Organisation of Oslo and Akershus (SiO). For 75 years, Universitas has been an important hub for student-driven media, as well as for the greater Norwegian media landscape, with many talented writers, photographers, and designers getting their start here.
Universitas also has an all-English section: Inter Universitas. Here, international students can find local news geared toward them.
We are now hiring writers, copy editors, translators (Norwegian to English) who will contribute to this section. We’re looking for people who have a feel for the international student community of Oslo, or who want to get involved and find out what we should be reporting on. If you are an international student with an interest in media, this is the workplace for you.
All Universitas employees are paid for their work.
# Some experience in writing. English does not have to be your first language.
# Some understanding of written and spoken Norwegian is preferred. However, Inter Universitas journalists are not required to write in Norwegian.
# An ability to work independently, to track down sources, and be bold with article ideas.
Send a CV and a short email about why you’re fit for the job to Anastasiia Myrvoll, anasmyrv@gmail.com
Deadline: 13th of February.