Green Party representative runs for President of Student parliament
The Green Party may get their second leader in a row. Christen Andreas Wroldsen officially announced he wants to take over the leader role after Jens Lægreid.
«I had pictured many good candidates, but when I heard they didn’t want to run, I figured that I could run for the presidential position myself,» said the second candidate for the Green Party, Christen Andreas Wroldsen.
Last year, it was a keenly fought battle for the top position even before the opening for the student election, but it has been very quiet this year. No one knew anybody who wanted to run for president. Finally, on the first day of the election last week, the Student Parliament got its first leader candidate.
«Nice group of people»
Wroldsen has been active in the student politics the last two years. First in «Green students,» the organization behind the Green Party, and after that he was deputy both in the Student Parliament at UiO and the Welfare Council in Oslo and Akershus.
«The Student Parliament is a nice group of people. Even if we don’t agree, we can still get together and accomplish a lot,» Woldersen says about his motivation to run for the leader role.
Want a green university
Wroldsen feels his previous experience has prepared him well for this role.
«I see myself as a good leader, one who can also motivate others to do good,» Wroldsen explained.
It’s up to the Student parliament to decide what type of politics the leader should work for, but Wroldsen doesn’t hide that his previous activism in the Green Party could play a role.
«The most important questions for me is towards a greener and better university.»