This is what it's like to study «Skam»
Students in the new class about «Skam» are surprised by its breadth. Universitas went to check out the third lecture.
It's Monday morning, and the auditorium in Sophus Bugge at Blindern fills up with the «Skam» students of this semester. The next three hours will be about teenage TV-programs, and how they apply emotionally to audiences of all ages.
«If there is anything «Skam» has managed to do, it's engaged Norwegians emotionally,» said informatics student Kai Chen. He thinks the most interesting thing about the show is how far it has reached, despite being made for youth.
«I chose this class because I really like «Skam.» Also, I recognise my own high school experiences watching it,» he said.
Chen was surprised by the magnitude of the class, and says it focuses on much more than «Skam» alone, which was also clear in the lecture.
Did you catch our original coverage? University of Oslo will offer «SKAM» course
Researching emotions
Today’s lecturer is media expert Anders Lysne, who is doing research on the use of emotions in Scandinavian youth film. He talks about what lays behind stereotypical youth characters, such as the nerd and the jock. Several clips from iconic teenage TV-programmes are shown, like the feminist classic «Buffy the Vampire Slayer.»
«It is very interesting,» said media science student Ina Skogstad. «We learn a lot about why the show is created the way it is.»

Transmedia storytelling
Unsurprisingly, there were a many applicants for the class, and a total of 100 students were accepted. Course leader Gry Rustad said the class is to continue for another year, using «Skam» as case. After that, it will center on other digital stories. Lysne claims Skam is the perfect case for a class within media studies, as the series touches on several aspects of the subject.
«What's especially interesting is it that the storytelling of Skam is transmedial, meaning it uses several media platforms. This creates a unique possibility for involvement for a generation who has become used to quick access to entertainment, no matter where they are,» said Lysne.
«An honor»
This autumn alone, representatives from NRK are to hold no less than thirty lectures about Skam, both nationally and internationally. However, Håkon Moslet, editorial leader of «Skam,» emphasized how special it will be to visit UiO for an exclusive guest lecture on October 16.
«It is unique that a TV-programme becomes the subject of a whole class at a university. I have never experienced anything like it,» said Moslet. «As far as I know, it has never happened before. It is an honor!»
Sana from «Skam» about her faith: – I felt different

USA next
Due to the popularity of the class, the class leaders have gained access to a larger amount of resources. This resulted in a guest lecture on September 4, held by Aymar Jean Christian, from the prestigious Northwestern University in Chicago.
Next year, an American version of «Skam» will be released. Lysne believes the chances of the show being successful there are quite good.
«The possibility for success is undoubtedly present. The response to the Norwegian version has, after all, been far more overwhelming than anyone expected,» he said.
Still, he thinks it is important to adjust the stories and characters to fit American society, as this will make the program seem familiar and universal to the viewers.