Archive photo: Olav Helland

Culture Calendar March 8-11

Feminist parties, surf rockers and a self-defense course. Yes, we've got it all.

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Allow me to start a day early, Thursday 8 March: International Women's Day! A lot is happening, too much to mention here, but do take advantage of all the different, great events. There is of course the march from Youngstorget at 6 PM. Or if you speak Norwegian, consider going to Kvinner og makt, «women and power,» at Kulturhuset. A bunch of authors, politicians, and journalists (among other things) talk and discuss aspects of the topic. 7 PM – it's going to be packed, so be early.

Friday sees the opportunity for Oslo's inhabitants to wave and dance farewell to a brilliant band. Hvitmalt gjerde, surf rockers from Bergen, are ending their project and playing their last concert in the capital. It all goes down at Parkteatret, and boy will it go down.

For the vintage lovers, Vippa is the place to be on Saturday. There will be a big retro and vintage market, and hand-picked rarities are promised. Maybe get a new sweater and dream of spring?

The same evening, Chateau Neuf hosts a giant feminist party called Femfest. They promise debates, workshops, great food, silent disco, feminist themed drinks … everything you need for a proper celebration.

If you're not the extravagant type, a night filled with ska, rocksteady and reggae might do the trick. Leiligheten Rockefeller, a great and tiny club upstairs at Rockefeller, hosts Get Ready!, a dance-filled night dedicated to the three genres.

If you're into contemporary dance, Trisha Brown Company is coming to Oslo for the weekend. They will be performing both Saturday and Sunday at Dansens Hus with their new production, «A tribute to Trisha Brown.» Bound to be great.

Lastly, and not very culturally, but in the spirit of Women's Day: Krav Maga Academy holds a free self-defense event for women this Sunday. Enter the new week ready in every way.

International Women’s Day march

Kvinner og makt

Hvitmalt gjerde

Vintage & Retro Market


Get Ready!

A tribute to Trisha Brown

Self-defense course

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