Prophecies of Doom at the University

They pray for you around the clock. They shout, cry and fall to their knees. Transdenominational Network spread the Word among students at Blindern.

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Transdenominational Network:

  • Norwegian website:
  • Student Union at the University of Oslo and a transdenominational network for Christian denominations and congregations.

«I long for God so we raise our hands. Hallelujah, Jesus! We ask you, Lord, to touch the University. Touch by each and every student with your love. The day they die, they will live in eternity. Either in Perdition, or in Heaven! Amen.»

Preacher Nils Pettersen is raising his hands in the air and crying out in the Seminar Room in the basement of Helga Eng (Faculty of Education). Some 30 spectators are mumbling: Yes, Jesus! Hands are raised in the air. A woman is speaking in tongues.

«The University has never been an institution that has pointed in the direction of Heaven. On the contrary, it has tried to disallow what the Holy Bible teaches us. The University sticks to Darwinism, that mankind descends from the apes,» he cries out and shakes his head.

Spectators are chuckling. They could not agree more. Darwin is no good.

«Descending from the apes does not really provide much hope for the future for mankind,» he shouts.

«Yes! Yes!» the gathered people reply.

Judgment Day is close at hand

Pettersen is at Blindern in order to speak on behalf of Transdenominational Network. Last time he was here some 20 people became Christians, people broke down in tears and hundreds of spectators gathered. He believes the reason why people did not turn up today could be a lack of advertising. Nevertheless, he speaks with a glowing passion.

«The sun shall become powerful and burn human beings with an excruciating heat. We see warnings on TV and in newspapers about the demise of the ozone layer, which will potentially give people cancer and skin injuries. The Holy Bible teaches us that the world shall be as worn out as an old rag,» he cries out while informing about night clubs in Barcelona and Rotterdam that are offering VIP customers to pay by a surgically inserted chip in the palm of their hands.

During our last moments there shall be no money in circulation. The end of the world is close. Pettersen is holding up an extract from the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten.

Students make out more than half

More and more students show interest in Transdenominational Network according to leader Arne Dag Johansen. He informs that he has had several good conversations with new students outside Fredrikke the past few days. More than 50 per cent of members are students.

Johansen believes that the reason behind the growing interest is that they are open for all Christian denominations. Even former Muslims have participated in introductory courses organised by the Network.

«Here they learn how to pray. They also learn that Jesus is a living person in answer to their prayers,» he says and informs that the Network offers prayers 24 hours a day.

Prayers are offered on behalf of the University throughout most of the day. They are also considering including the Foundation for Student Life in their prayers.

«God has given us the task of influencing society. This can be done through both prayers and involvement in politics,» Arne Dag Johansen states.

Heaven or Hell

«A man awakened in Hell, the Holy Bible says. And if some of you out there are uncertain whether you will end up in Heaven or Hell, please raise your hands. I want you to raise your hands,» preacher Nils Pettersen shouts and wipes away his tears.

He is moved by his own speech. Several handkerchiefs have gone to waste during the two or three hours this meeting has gone on but hands in the air are yet to be seen. He repeats his bid. Not a finger!

«We operate on campus on a daily basis. You can come and talk to us in order to find out more about the path to Heaven,» he says and smiles affectionately to the gathering.

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